Tenure Dossier

Despite a wealth of university guidance and abundance of advisory panels, I found creating the tenure dossier to be a less-than-obvious process. I benefitted greatly from others who made their dossiers public or who shared with me privately.  In an effort to pay that kindness forward, here are my essays and the tables of contents describing the evidence I provided to my school's promotion and tenure committee.  I hope they are helpful and share them in the spirit of collaboration and in trust that people will not misuse or abuse them.

Law school instilled a spirit of 'when in doubt, bury it in paperwork,' so I likely provided far more evidence than necessary.  To counteract this, I tried to make my tables of contents descriptive so a reader could get a fair idea of content without reading a thousand pages.  For external letter writers, I provided shorter versions of each essay with a truncated set of evidence.  Readers should know that I have a split appointment across two colleges and one research center. My tenure case was decided by my primary appointment, but my teaching and service represent efforts across all three appointments.  Keep this in mind, and, of course, recall that this is after all a sample size of one.

THANK YOU to the incredible colleagues, reviewers, and students who supported and continue to support my experiments in academia.